Friday, February 29, 2008

Late Nights

Apparently, babies don't always sleep through the night.

After several nights of infrequent nighttime feedings and diaper changes, Lucy discovered that she had the right to be fussy. In this photo, Mom is being a good sport after a middle-of-the-night wake-up call from our daughter.
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Lucy is 5 days old. (and of course, is incredibly mature)

We're at the stage when her diapers are starting to stink. I'll be kind and not post the photos that prove it.

Here are some others:

Sleepy time. The truth is, at this point, she's more often in this pose than any other.

We gave her a bath - her first at home. As you can see by the photos, she's not really a fan, yet.

Sleepy time again. This time, at our pediatrician's office today. Babies are supposed to gain approximately one ounce a day at this stage. Lucy's doctor was surprised to report that our child had gained four ounces in only two days.

Monday, February 25, 2008


Sorry for the weird buzzing in the background on this one - but Lucy's blank-eyed gaze and indifference towards her hiccups is pretty cute.

A few more photos...

More proof:
(thanks to Grandpa Targum's photography)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Photos and Details!

I've popped back into the house to grab a few items to bring back for Lucy and Barbara. Sorry for some of the crazy transcription from the voice blogs and emails, but in a nutshell, here's the accurate information:

Barbara was having mild contractions all day on Friday, approximately seven minutes apart. Her water broke at around 6:30pm, and we were driving through the storm to arrive at the delivery room by 7:30pm. Without any drugs or even an IV, Barbara used HypnoBirthing to relax and bring Lucy into the world at 10:52pm. Barbara was absolutely incredible - everybody involved was impressed. I helped catch Lucy and cut her cord. The rush of emotions is unlike anything I've ever experienced.

Lucy Mathis Targum was born on Friday, February 22 at 10:52 pm. She was 8 pounds, 6 ounces and 21 inches long. Also, she's really cute.

I'll certainly write more when we're back home. In the meantime, here are some untouched photos.

We have even had a few...

We have even had a few hours of sleep. [..] had several successful feedings and had the most adorable hick(?) ups I have ever heard, she is resting right now on Barbara(?) and completely adorable, we have even got a few hours sleep last night. listen

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Friday, February 22, 2008

Lucy Natis Targum was...

Lucy Natis Targum was born tonight, February 22nd, a little bit before 11 o'clock p.m., everybody is happy and healthy. We love new child. She is 8.6 pounds and she is definitely a crier. I can't wait to show you all pictures. listen

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

A healthy report

Nope. Still no baby.

However, we did go in for another check-in with our OB, another non-stress test, and another ultrasound. Our baby passed through every checklist with flying colors. We even received confirmation that she is, indeed, a girl. (beyond the 90% accuracy we had months ago - but I won't go into specific detail) We're probably looking at a nine-pounder.

There's a snow storm coming to Boston tomorrow, so Murphy's Law ensures that Barbara will go into labor as the car is buried in snow. If that does not occur, we've scheduled an induction on February 29. (Leap Year Baby!) We doubt we'll be waiting that long...

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Waiting Game

Just a quick update, since it's been a while since I posted last.

Basically - no baby yet.

Yes, the due date was February 14. However, the vast majority of first babies come after the due date. As eager as I am to meet my daughter, I still support her decision to take her sweet time. Barbara is much more patient than I am (in general), and has successfully barred me from pestering our daughter while she is still in the womb. The good news is that we had our scheduled "non-stress test" at the hospital today, and everything is still perfectly normal. Our baby is active and healthy, and so is her mother. We'll be back for another ultrasound on Thursday, assuming the baby hasn't shown herself by then.