Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy New Year, Lucy!

Today was Lucy's first Rosh Hashannah. She got all dressed up, went to services and was very well behaved through it all. Of course, sitting in the back with all the other babies so she could be quickly and easily removed from the sanctuary did help...

Lucy was also fascinated by the tights she got to wear, so much so that she ended up getting sweet potato on them when she put her foot in her mouth during meal-time. Here she is with her Aunt Melissa (and Ema in the background) this afternoon.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Lots of Laughing

Lucy's been finding humor in lots of things lately: my tongue, Elliot's ear, her diaper changes. Life is full of smiles and laughter, which has been pretty fabulous for us. This shot of Shaheen hanging out with Lucy a little bit before bedtime (not Shaheen's) captures it nicely.

By the way, most of the recent photos have been from Elliot's Flickr stream, which he posts to almost every day and which usually features Lucy. So, thanks to Elliot for being so good about snapping these shots!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Eating with Uncle Henry

Henry came over for dinner tonight and helped Lucy enjoy hers. He was kind enough to feed her green beans, and while she gave him some dubious looks throughout the experience, she did work her way through the whole container. Elliot and I are making most of her food, which has been a lot of fun. Squash, nectarines, plums, bananas, zucchini...we're all about fruits and veggies, as is Lucy.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Lucy's Boyfriend's Back

Elliot and I went to a reunion of my mom's group this afternoon, and it was incredible to see how much all the babies have changed. Most of them have teeth (no, not Lucy yet), and older man Ben can crawl and pull himself up to standing. Very fancy. The most loyal of our readers may remember Ben as Lucy's first boyfriend back in March. It turns out they're still quite fond of each other. He was quite taken with her feet and she with his head. Yum!

It is so much fun to see her interact with other kids now - from eating them, to poking them, to just staring at them, her world has expanded so much and it's a total blast for us to watch. Here she is getting her flirt on in a slightly more appropriate way.

Thanks to Sylvia for the photos!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lucy Learns to Type

At a recent trip to the doctor (all is well, but the little lady had a fever), Lucy got to play with the computer in the lobby. Nobody cared if she pounded on the keys or tried to eat the mouse, and Lucy loved the opportunity to do what she's seen both of her parents do on just a couple of occasions. Even though all she could access was a Dr. Seuss alphabet program and the system preferences, she seemed endlessly fascinated by the computer.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Lucy Loves Day Care

Here's a shot of Lucy this morning as we were dropping her off at day care.  She loves it!  From all the toys, to her wonderful teachers, to the myriad baby friends she's made there, it seems to be a great fit for her, and we're thrilled to have found a day care that works so well for all of us.

From now on, though, Elliot will be in charge of bringing Lucy there each day.  I'm going to work with my father in Boston and won't be making the trek out to the suburbs with Lucy and Daddy anymore.

Bath Time is... Fun!

We remember the days when we would rush through Lucy's bath to end the ordeal for her as quickly as possible.  Janie Auspitz suggested a wet washcloth on Lucy's belly, which was a huge help in those early weeks.  How far we've come!  Bathtime is now a blast, with lots of water splashing and playing around.  She even has some fun bath toys to play with.  Lucy's so busy, it's hard to snap a photo of her because she's moving around so much.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sitting Up

While Elliot and I enjoyed a couple of weeks of relaxing vacation, Lucy worked very hard on her sitting skills.  What a pro she's become!  There are still eventual topples with every session, but she's gotten much better at supporting herself for long stretches at a time.  She'll need us to give her a hand to get there for the next 2-3 months, which is perfectly fine with us.

Next up: teeth and crawling!