Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Show Lucy the Money!

We have lots to report! Lucy has been on her first trip to California, replete with loads of great time with Grammy and Stephanie, In-N-Out burger ketchup (with some french fries), four hours of screaming on the flight out, and an earthquake. Elliot and I even ducked up to San Francisco for Matt and Marika's wedding, leaving Lucy to bond with Grammy for two nights. All in all, it was very nice.

Now, we're back in full swing at home. Lucy is walking up a storm and being very communicative about her wishes, wants, and dislikes. She likes bananas, exploring, and trash cans. She does not like hair accessories, elevated trash cans, or brushing her teeth.

Today, Lucy got some new sneakers with Eema and Saba. She also stole $20 from Saba and thought that was very funny:

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Smiling About Crayons

I guess all it took was a jumbo crayon to capture Lucy's winning smile on (digital) film. Hooray!

Thanks to Eema for the photo

Saturday, May 2, 2009

(Almost) Using a Spoon, plus Easter

Lucy loves feeding herself these days. For the most part, we're trying to give her as much finger food as possible, but one cannot live on finger food alone. So, Lucy has been learning how to use a spoon (our efforts to spoon-feed her are met with vigorous head shaking and a grabby hand). I think this photo nicely demonstrates the size of the challenge at hand. Yes, that's a dot of cottage cheese in her hair.

Here, also, are some belated Easter photos. The first is of Lucy with her second cousins, Lilly and Henry after their Easter Egg Hunt. The second gives the impression that Lucy was a knowing participant in said hunt. In fact, she had no idea what was going on, but really likes putting objects into containers, so once we located the eggs for her, she was a superstar.