Tuesday, July 26, 2011

More Summer Travel

The kids and I have went down to Maryland to visit Grandma two weekends ago. We got to have some fun time in the pool with Grammy and Uncle Henry:

Then some more family came to visit and Lucy got to meet another second cousin, baby Hannah:

You can see that Lucy continues her love of lemons.

Finally, we headed out to the Berkshires for a couple of nights to see Eema and Saba, and discovered how fun the beach can be when you're three:

Friday, July 15, 2011

A Trip to the Dentist

Lucy's getting her teeth cleaned today. She's a fourth generation dental patient at Dedham Medical Associates. We're in the same space as the orthodontist - still the same doctor who straightened my teeth 20 years ago.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Visit with Grammy

Grammy's visiting from California (just in time to escape Carmageddon). We had a nice dinner together, with Lucy bouncing all over the place, Griffin enamored of his big sister, and the rest of us enjoying a few snippets of adult conversation.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Rolling in the Grass

A couple of weeks ago, I taught Lucy how to roll down a hill at Gramps and Mimi's house and now she enjoys rolling on flat and sloped grass:

YouTube Video

Griffin thinks it's great too.

Monday, July 11, 2011

A Boat Trip

This year was Lucy's third annual (and Griffin's first) trip to Tumble Down Dick. We went over with Haven, Molly, Lilly and Henry. Haven was kind enough to row the girls:

And all three of the kids had a blast making silly faces for the camera:

And see the house in the background? That's where Elliot and I got married almost seven years ago.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

PJ Party

While the kids and I were up in Maine over the 4th of July, Lucy got to spend a little time with her second cousins, Lilly and Henry. Here they are in their PJs on the night of the grown-up family dinner:

The next day I asked Lucy if she had enjoyed seeing her cousins. She looked at me in shock and told me with utmost authority, "I don't have cousins!!" I tried, briefly, to explain the concept of second cousins, but I think it's a bit beyond our 3-year-old's understanding.

Time for a Haircut

Lucy's bangs had gotten really long, so we finally decided it was time for a cut. She's pretty somber, but that's a huge improvement over the hysteria she used to exhibit.

Griffin's keeping an eye on the haircut and being his usual agreeable self:

And here is the finished product!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sleeping Cuties

The kids and I were in Maine for
the 4th of July, and when I woke up this morning, this is what I saw:

They had both ended up in my bed over the course of the night and stayed sleeping like this until 7 (that's late in our household).