Monday, June 24, 2013

First Day of Camp

Lucy had her first day of camp today, and said it was a GREAT day.  She took first prize in Jewish culture, got to swim in the lake, and rode a school bus to and from camp.  It's her second summer here, and so far it's looking good!

Griffin, Lucy and I visited yesterday to meet her counselors and drop a few things off in her cubby.  Lucy's former pre-school teacher, Staci, oversees the Pre-K to 1st graders at camp.  She and Lucy exchanged a great big hug since they haven't seen each other since last summer.  Griffin wanted in and raced up to give her a huge hug as well, even though he doesn't really know Staci.  It was pretty cute.

Here's Lucy enjoying some time with a counselor:

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Tooth Fairy Has Landed!

Both Lucy and Griffin were on the later side of normal in getting their baby teeth, but Lucy has already started losing them!  I thought they'd be hanging on for much longer.  

Last week, Eema and Saba took Lucy to Colonial Williamsburg.  She left with all her teeth, though two were pretty wiggly, and one day we got the following photo by text:

The Williamsburg tooth fairy brought Lucy a fabulous pink change purse, and $1.  Lucy used 99 cents of that dollar to buy a pack of buffalo goldfish puffs.  Today, I got the following note via Maily:

From what I understand, Lucy sent similar messages to several folks.  To be clear, she only lost one tooth today, but it was her second one.