Whew! The holidays took us by storm - our apologies for the long delay between posts. We don't have many good shots of Lucy enjoying her first Hannukah or her first Christmas, but there is this cute shot of Lucy and her second cousin, Henry, on Christmas Eve. Henry was already in his pajamas, but Lucy was still enjoying life in her party dress.

We had a very nice visit with my mom, Grammy, over Christmas, and Lucy showed off some of her cheese-eating skills for the occasion.

Finally, Elliot and I spent last night in Providence, RI for a quick getaway for the two of us. We had a fantastic time ice skating, eating yummy food, and feeling somewhat astonished that we used to have time on our own all the time just 10 months ago. Meanwhile, Lucy got to hang out with Elliot's parents, Ema and Saba, who took this great photo of our little lady. We weren't even gone for 24 hours, but we're pretty sure she grew a whole lot while we were away.