Thursday, December 31, 2009

So Many Parties

Lucy has attended had a string of parties recently. Earlier this week, while at home with a cough, she asked Elliot if he would take her to a party. It sure sounds like more fun than coughing to me!

The last party Lucy attended was on Boxing Day at my Uncles' house in Western Mass. We had a wonderful post-Christmas afternoon with them, replete with delicious food and a Yankee Swap.

The Chrises have a dog, Rufus, and Lucy was quite taken with his cage. It turns out that doggies' beds are fun places to hang out. We had a hard time getting Lucy out of it!

Eventually, she did escape, though.

A couple more parties to come over the weekend...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Holiday Review

Lucy got busy over the holidays!

We spent Thanksgiving in the Berkshires, and Elliot, Aunt Melissa, and I all ran in a road race on Thanksgiving day. I'm not prepared to share pictures of me at the end of my race, but here's a shot of Lucy and Eema training for a future year.

Lucy also got to visit some farm animals with the Rosenbergs. Animals seem to be growing on Lucy quite a lot. She saw alpacas, sheep, and lambs. Getting ready to leave the lambs, Lucy proudly exclaimed, "Bye-bye, bunnies!" Here she is taking in all the sheep.

We celebrated Hannukah at Eema and Saba's house, and Lucy continued to work on her sweet tooth with dessert.

Grammy and Uncle Henry came in for Christmas, and we got to do all sorts of fun things with them. Lucy really likes when people sing to her, so she sat down with Uncle Henry and asked him to sing every nursery rhyme in her book. It was a tall order, but it turns out that Uncle Henry is good at improvising.

Now, onto some video!

This clip is of her reading some books to herself. Sunrise, Sunset is a picture book adaptation of the Fiddler on the Roof song, which Lucy loves to have sung to her, and One Duck Stuck is a nice book that teaches kids about counting. I particularly enjoy the transitions between books.

Finally, here are Lucy's latest dance moves, including the frequent finale to any use of the camera.