Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fashionable Lucy

Blogger seems to be having some difficulty hosting videos right now, so I'll return to traditional photos for the timebeing. Lucy is more videogenic than photogenic these days, but I'm sure we can all muddle through.

We had a nice long weekend for President's Day this past weekend, but by the end of it we were all ready to get back to our normal routines of daycare and work.

Yesterday, Lucy demonstrated her strong independence through fashion. I had dressed her in a regular diaper, pants, socks, and a shirt, but while playing on her own in her room, she decided to change into a swim diaper (with some help) and then completely independently took off her pants and socks and put on...her sneakers. Here she is posing by the wall, though getting her to look at, much less smile for, the camera was not going to happen:

Please also note the diapers strewn around the floor - Lucy has been relocating things like diapers, trash cans and the laundry hamper in the background with great purpose lately. It's very cute, even if we seem to live in a constant state of clutter as a result.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hanging Out in the Kitchen

We spent the beginning of last week skiing at Okemo with Gramps and Mimi. It was a fantastic trip, and I highly recommend Okemo to any families who ski - it really put Sunday River (our destination last year) to shame.

We came home early on Wednesday, leaving at 8am to beat the predicted storm, which turned out to be a total non-event here in Massachusetts. So, we had an afternoon at home, which was lovely and relaxing. Lucy and I spent some time hanging out in the kitchen and she decided it was time to eat some grapes. The following video shows you what ensued, and includes her current favorite declaration ("I did it!") a couple of times:

And for those of you with shorter attention spans, this 21 second clip embodies what life with an almost two-year-old Lucy is often like, complete with "I want" statements, "No, Mommy" and grabbing. I'm able to be philosophical enough about all this to find it somewhat cute:

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Play Hard, Nap Hard

Lucy is living large these days - when she's awake, she's raring to go, but she still needs her afternoon nap in order to get through the rest of the day.