Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Room Conversion

An important symbolic moment worth blogging about:
I constructed the crib today.

Our nursery isn't quite as orderly as Pottery Barn's fabrication pictured here. Also, special thanks to Nick O'Donnell who reminds all future fathers that it's always best to build a crib in the room where it's supposed to end up, as moving it is often an impossible task.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Dreams of a soon-to-be father

We're currently enjoying ourselves at Canyon Ranch, a spa in Arizona, and a pre-baby treat from my (Elliot's) parents. Perhaps because we're just about 2 months away from having a child (or maybe it's all the endorphins from vigorous hikes in the desert), but I've started having dreams about being a new father.

Barbara and I have decided to keep our favorite names for our daughter a secret, with this exception. It came to me 2 nights ago in a dream. In the dream, Barbara had just given birth to a beautiful baby girl. Both of us were glowing, and were so happy to finally lay eyes on our daughter.

We enjoyed the new experience for a few minutes, when a nurse approached us.

"Now that's you've had some time with your new baby, are you ready to give her a name?" the nurse asked.

Barbara and I paused, then smiled at one another. Barbara nodded to me.

"Yes," I announced proudly, "her name is Toasty McChestnut."

Dreams are bizarre.