Monday, December 17, 2007

Dreams of a soon-to-be father

We're currently enjoying ourselves at Canyon Ranch, a spa in Arizona, and a pre-baby treat from my (Elliot's) parents. Perhaps because we're just about 2 months away from having a child (or maybe it's all the endorphins from vigorous hikes in the desert), but I've started having dreams about being a new father.

Barbara and I have decided to keep our favorite names for our daughter a secret, with this exception. It came to me 2 nights ago in a dream. In the dream, Barbara had just given birth to a beautiful baby girl. Both of us were glowing, and were so happy to finally lay eyes on our daughter.

We enjoyed the new experience for a few minutes, when a nurse approached us.

"Now that's you've had some time with your new baby, are you ready to give her a name?" the nurse asked.

Barbara and I paused, then smiled at one another. Barbara nodded to me.

"Yes," I announced proudly, "her name is Toasty McChestnut."

Dreams are bizarre.

1 comment:

ST said...

Can I ,at least, be told her first initial?