Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Tummy Time Pro

I've talked to a lot of parents at Explo who claim their child is the best, brightest, nicest, most talented, etc., and I am really trying to be a realist about the gifts of my own child now that I'm a mom. On the other hand, if Elliot and I don't sing her praises, who will? (OK, I can think of a few of you who would...)

So, it is with great pride that I announce that Lucy is a tummy time pro. She had her two-month doctor's appointment yesterday, and Dr. James declared that Lucy has the neck and arm strength of a three- or four-month-old. In fact, she can lift up high enough that if she leaned a bit, she could roll over. Yikes! Here she is showing off her skills.

And giving me a smile while she rests between sets.

In other news, Lucy is now 12.5 pounds and 23.5 inches long - 90th percentile for both weight and height. She's graduated into 3-6 month clothing, the lucky thing.

1 comment:

ST said...

She really is progressing well and is so adorable!
She'll be walkin' and talkin' before you blink an eye.