Monday, April 20, 2009

Farm Animals are Terrifying

We took Lucy to see some baby animals at Hancock Shaker Village in the Berkshires yesterday. It was a beautiful day, a gorgeous setting, and the animals were adorable. At least, most of us thought they were. Lucy thought they were terrifying. We spent some time acclimating to the sheep to see if she could overcome her fears, but then one baaed loudly and Lucy erupted into tears again. Here she is in the interlude between tears, looking quite dubious:
We moved on to a room full of cows and piglets, which was even more horrifying. Cows are loud! The chicken coop? Also pretty scary, even when we discovered an egg that a chicken had laid.

Finally, we found a small building with an enclosed box of chicks. Chicks are quiet and Lucy thought they were somewhat interesting. Until she didn't. But we escaped tear-free.

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