Wednesday, September 2, 2009

An Adventure to Tumble Down Dick

Elliot and I took Lucy on her first rowboat ride today, and it had its ups and downs. The picture below is a not-particularly-happy Lucy who is no longer screaming in horror/terror at having been put in the boat (even in our arms!). Once the boat got underway, she was almost ok with it all, but the transitions in and out were very distressing to her.

We went all the way to Tumble Down Dick, which is a tiny island about a 2-minute rowboat ride from our house, and explored. Once Lucy had recovered from the ride over, she led Elliot up the path to the top of a small cliff on the island.

At the top of the cliff, we sat and watched the view, saying "bye-bye" to boats as they passed and just enjoying the scenery. As you can see from Lucy's face, it was very hard work.

Finally, Lucy practiced throwing rocks into/at the water before we had another traumatic ride to get back home. Once Lucy was back on dry land, I went to pump some water out of a sailboat, and I think she was almost as upset that I was still in the boat as she had been about being there herself.

The afternoon blueberry picking was, sadly, a bust. While there is usually a glut of blueberries here, the rainy summer has not treated the crop well this year and we barely managed to get enough to make a batch of muffins. Thankfully, there were just enough for Lucy to eat some and for me to do some baking.

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