Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Honk! Festival

The Honk! Festival was in Somerville this weekend for its fifth annual weekend extravaganza, and we went in on Saturday to listen to the bands playing as well on Sunday for the parade. Here we are with Amy and her kids waiting for the parade to start:

The parade was almost an hour long and alternated between activist marching bands playing music and people marching on behalf of causes such as immigration rights, organic food (we were sitting in front of McDonald's, which drew some comments from the marchers), freeing Tibet, and many more. The costumes, music and passion of the parade were great, and while the issues were way over the kids' heads, the grown-ups were impressed by it all. Those of you on the West Coast, fear not, there is also a Honk! Fest West in Seattle.

P.S. Ever tried to get five kids to look at a camera at once? This was the best shot of several.

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