Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Last night turned out a bit differently than we'd planned. Elliot was sick and asleep by 9, and Griffin had a stomach bug with a few wardrobe changes (for both of us) as a result. Needless to say the dinner party Elliot and I were supposed to host was cancelled!

Lucy and I had similar experiences earlier in the week, but the family sickness gods smiled down on us and we weren't all sick at once. Aunt Mel-Mel came over to ring in the new year with me and lend a helping hand, which made a huge difference.

This morning, everyone is on the mend. Griffin is very hungry, Elliot is tired but rallying, and we're having a little breakfast on the floor:

Wishing everyone a wonderful (and healthy) 2012!

1 comment:

ST said...

Hope you all have a great (and healthy) 2012!