Look what Lucy can do! We put her in her crib and stepped out of the room. Moments later, there was lots of laughter, and there was Lucy kneeling at and shaking the bars, and finding the whole thing hilarious. She liked it even more once she had an audience. Our first reaction was total glee, but our second was: how do we lower the crib mattress, again?

Lucy has sprouted her second tooth and is still very much enjoying chewing on things. She's also incredibly curious about her surroundings and motivated to begin crawling. It's just the mechanics that are standing in her way now. We sure enjoyed our freedom while it lasted.
She is so big! And so adorable!
I keep saying that I can't wait for Eli to start walking and talking, but I am sure when that happens I will miss the time when he could only go around if we moved him.
what a cutie pie! and i hear you about dreading having to lower the crib mattress. i have only the vaguest of recollections.
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