Sunday, June 28, 2009

Going for a Drive

Lucy has decided she's sick of being a passenger. We were heading out from Gramps and Mimi's house, and Lucy climbed right into the driver's seat, keys in hand. Just fifteen more years...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Baths are Coming Back

Our most loyal readers know that Lucy has had her ups and downs with bath-time. But that was over a year ago! She sailed along with some mild trepidation about the faucet, but general delight when it came to splashing, bath toys, and hanging out in her birthday suit.

Until she didn't. All of a sudden, Lucy was terrified (a la the farm animals). As soon as she knew what the plan was, she tried to run in the opposite direction, crawl out of the tub, and squirm (and scream) as much as possible. It was a torturous two-person operation that nobody enjoyed.

Slowly, we've been redefining bath time as something we can all enjoy again. It takes a lot longer, but Lucy is not running for the hills anymore. Today, she even played happily with water in Saba and Eema's kitchen sink:

It looks an awful lot like a bath to me...