Sunday, July 26, 2009

Walking in Mommy's Shoes

Lucy has taken to putting on my shoes lately. Some are more forgiving than others. Yesterday, she slipped on a pair of clogs and, with a little help from Stephanie, managed to stumble around the living room. Flip-flops and other sandals have been less successful, but that doesn't stop Lucy from trying!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day Care Triumphs

There's no picture, because Elliot and I weren't there, but Lucy's daily report from day care yesterday included the following:

We had a petting zoo come and they had bunnies, chickens, ducks and a goat - I pet them all! They had a black pony and I went on a ride though very hesitant.

Given Lucy's past performances with animals, we're very impressed that she pet all the animals and even rode the pony, though we sure wish we could have seen it with our own eyes.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Maryland Redux

Lucy, Grammy, and I went to Maryland for a few days to visit my grandparents. We made the same trip last year, but it was completely different with a 17-month-old than it was with a 5-month old.

Lucy loves riding on Grandpa's walker,

enjoyed some quality time with Grandma,

got to meet Aunt Pam (and see Uncle Tom again), did some shopping, and went swimming! She began her pool adventures with some trepidation, but by the end of the first swim, I couldn't keep her out of the pool:

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

97th Birthday Party

Lucy helped celebrate Granny B's 97th birthday over the weekend. We had a lovely time, complete with birthday cake and a brief spell of running away from everyone outside. Lucy exchanged some greetings with Granny B:

And some hesitant hellos with the ever-enthusiastic Rufus:

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Cooling Off

Anyone on the East Coast knows that it hasn't been hot enough in temperature lately for anyone to need cooling off. We've finally had some sun this weekend, and it's been perfect - none of that characteristic heat and humidity we usually have in July. Just warm enough, slightly breezy, and gorgeous.

No, it's Lucy who has needed some emotional cooling off lately. She's reached an age where she needs to blow off some steam and will now usually have a temper tantrum at some point each day. Never, I'm told, at day care. Just with us.

She and I were up in Maine leading up to the 4th, and she had a moment one afternoon. As I gave her some space to calm down at one end of the porch, I did manage to capture the moment, which involved long minutes of staring and no desire for more direct interaction:

Eventually, she decided to show me her belly, which is when I knew she was starting to feel better.